Page Properties |
Version | | Date | Nov 20, 2019 | Description | SmartChange 2019 SP1 | Features | 4 | Bugs | 13 |
Released on Nov 20, 2019
New Feature
Transport Management
Key | Image Removed | SC-110 | Versiontab available again for TR version of SC 2019 Components | Reference |
Image Added
| Utility report to reset user settings to default | Issue:
In SC2019 SP0, Versiontabis not available. Root cause: Transition to delivering the SmartChange product via software component Solution: The program has been corrected. Image Removed | SC-15 It is not possibleto reset the user settings to default. Solution: The new report /RTC/TM_RESET_TO_USER_DEF_SET has been created to reset user settings. | Notifications/Mails | SC-6 |
Image Added
| RTC/TM_OPT: Enable mail options on TR deletion | Issue: The user is not able to choose other e-mail receiver option as they are disabled. Notification e-mail is always sent only to the owner of the transport request that is deleted. Root cause: Hardcoded solution Solution: The hardcoded solution has been replaced with a read from the table /rtc/tm_opt-enable_mail_opt. |
Image Removed 10 15 |
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| Search help for TM | Issue: Asearch help for the authorization fields is not implemented for reading data remotely from the TMS. Root cause: Search help is needed on development system, which will retrieve data from the TMS. Solution: Search help for authorization fields has been created. |
Image Removed 6 Utility report to reset user settings to default 10 |
Image Added
| Versiontab available again for TR version of SC 2019 | Issue:
It is not possibleto reset the user settings to default. In SC2019 SP0, Versiontabis not available. Root cause: Transition to delivering the SmartChange product via software component Solution: The |
new report /RTC/TM_RESET_TO_USER_DEF_SET has been created to reset user settings. Bugs
Priority | Keyprogram has been corrected. | UI | SC-110 |
Fixed Bugs
Transport Management
Issue: If a new level and status is selected, the TRs are displayed for the selected level, but for previous status. Root cause: Programming error; the filter for new status is not performedPriority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Image Modified
SC-174 | Display issue on TM monitor when double click on different level | Simulate Release | Requirements: Starting with SAP NW 7.4 EHP7, there is an available function in SE10, 'Simulate Release', which performs all checks prior to a release, without performing the actual release. Issue: New functionality added by SAP, not handled in TM Root cause: The standard BADI Before Release is executing during the checks,and TM functionality is executed, inserting the corresponding TR entry in table /RTC/TM_BAD01, even though the TR will not be released. Solution: The program has been |
Image Removed 171 Issue: Errors 'UUID for Object not found'should notoccur31 |
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| Error with e-mail/notification for User Group | Issue: The e-mails are also sent to users of User Groups where the approver of the previous step is included. Root cause: Programming error;the User Group where the current user is included was not taken into consideration. Solution: The program has been corrected. | | Notifications/Mails | SC-171 |
Image Modified
SC-169 | UUID for Object not found'error in IQ LIBCollect Job | Personal Queue Screen Stuck | Issue: The personal queue display is stuck after finishing the import, due to an automatic refresh of the screen. Root cause: If personal queue contains more than 50 entries, the screen is stuck after finishing the import. Solution: The program has been corrected by eliminating the automatic refresh. The user has to refresh the queue manually. | | Queues/Proposals | SC-29 |
Image Added
| Error when displaying system queues in Import Scheduler | Issue: In Import Scheduler, when the button 'Select System Queue(s)'is pressed, not all SID and transport levels are displayed. Root cause:
Programming error This was due to a program error. Solution: The program has been corrected. |
Image Removed 168 62 |
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| IQ LIB Collect Joblog is too long | Issue: Too many lines in Collect Job log of IQ LIB for the same object Root cause: All errors are displayed for an object key. Solution: The program has been corrected. The modification will prevent a log with too many information for an object and will only display the first error for the object, because following errors are usually dependent on the first error. |
Image Removed 164 CDS Views: Code differences are not displayed 168 |
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| UUID for Object not found'error in IQ LIBCollect Job | Issue:
The Object Comparison display is not working for CDS View objects Errors 'UUID for Object not found'should notoccur. Root cause:
The report to display the differences could not be found,because it was searched with object type instead of data pointer. Programming error Solution: The program has been corrected. |
Image Removed 65 CDS View Status Wrong | Issue: The Object Comparison (Expert Mode) is not working for CDS View objects169 |
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| /RTC/TM_OPT: Send always mails to all authorized users at TR Approva | Issue: In TM, if the user which performs the Content approval has also authorization for technical approval, notification mails will not be sent. Root cause:
The structure with object information is not found Spam e-mails are avoided if current user has authorization to perform the next step. Solution:
The program has been updated. Image Removed | SC-62 | Error when displaying system queues in Import Scheduler | Issue: In Import Scheduler, when the button 'Select System Queue(s)'is pressed, not all SID and transport levels are displayed A new field has beenadded to table /RTC/TM_OPT named SEND_ALL_MAILS. In order to activate the feature request the value for this field should be set to 'X'. | | UI | SC-2 |
Image Added
| Import Scheduler: Add sorting buttons | Requirements: To be able to sort ascending/descending after SIDs/TM Levels Issue: Currently, the users cannot sort in Import Scheduler window after SID/TM Levels. Root cause: Functionality not implemented Solution: Two new buttons were added to the ImportScheduler window, in order to sort ascending/descending after SIDs/TM Levels. | | UI | SC-60 |
Image Added
| Display issue on TM monitor when double click on different level | Issue: If a new level and status is selected, the TRs are displayed for the selected level, but for previous status. Root cause:
This was due to a program error Programming error; the filter for new status is not performed. Solution: The program has been corrected. |
Image Removed 61 174 |
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| Short dump while importing the SmartChange v5.0.0.0 Repository transport | Issue: The import of the transport request terminates with short dump DBIF_DSQL2_OBJ_UNKNOWN, for program /RTC/SA_SWITCH_TO_UNICODE. Root cause: This was due to a program error. Solution: The program has been corrected |
Image Removed 60 Import Scheduler: Add sorting buttons | Requirements: To be able to sort ascending/descending after SIDs/TM Levels Issue: Currently, the users cannot sort in Import Scheduler window after SID/TM Levels. Root cause: Functionality not implemented Solution: Two new buttons were added to the ImportScheduler window, in order to sort ascending/descending after SIDs/TM Levels. Image Removed | SC-31 | Simulate Release | Requirements: Starting with SAP NW 7.4 EHP7, there is an available function in SE10, 'Simulate Release', which performs all checks prior to a release, without performing the actual release. Issue: New functionality added by SAP, not handled in TM Root cause: The standard BADI Before Release is executing during the checks,and TM functionality is executed, inserting the corresponding TR entry in table /RTC/TM_BAD01, even though the TR will not be released Product
Synchronization Management
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Image Added
| CDS View Status Wrong | Issue: The Object Comparison (Expert Mode) is not working for CDS View objects. Root cause: The structure with object information is not found. Solution: The program has been |
Image Removed 29 Personal Queue Screen Stuck 65 |
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| CDS Views: Code differences are not displayed | Issue: The |
personal queue display is stuck after finishing the import, due to an automatic refresh of the screenObject Comparison display is not working for CDS View objects. Root cause:
If personal queue contains more than 50 entries, the screen is stuck after finishing the import The report to display the differences could not be found,because it was searched with object type instead of data pointer. Solution: The program has been corrected |
by eliminating the automatic refresh The user has to refresh the queue manually.
Image Removed 21 164 |
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| Change Original System for imported Objects on 7.5x(SH4) | Issue: The transport with object type VARX will change the original system from DEV to MAINT at synchronization. Root cause: The object cannot be found in the original system. Solution: The program has been corrected. |
Image Removed 2 /RTC/TM_OPT: Send always mails to all authorized users at TR Approva | Issue: In TM, if the user which performs the Content approval has also authorization for technical approval, notification mails will not be sent. Root cause: Spam e-mails are avoided if current user has authorization to perform the next step. Solution: A new field has beenadded to table /RTC/TM_OPT named SEND_ALL_MAILS. In order to activate the feature request the value for this field should be set to 'X'.