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Version | | Date | Sep 03, 2020 | Description | SmartChange 2019 SP1 HF04 | Features | 1 | Bugs | 6 |
Released on Sep 03, 2020
New Feature
Transport Management
Key | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Image Modified
SC-445 | Enhance functionality of TM Monitor>Simulate collisions>Export with Overtakers | Issue: To have a better overview for Release Manager, the export function for analyzing collisions is enhanced to differentiate between collisions and overtakers. Solution: A new column with the flag for the overtaker was added to the export collision file. Each transport request that is an overtaker, will have the flag set to 'X' in the new column. For better filtering, the flag is also set on the parent level. | Quality Assurance | SC-445 |
Fixed Bugs
Transport Management
Key | Image Removed | SC-449 | Import parameter 'USRGROUP' is empty in User Exit MAKE_APPROVAL | Issue: During the Approval process in TM Workflow Monitor, the 'USRGROUP' import parameter is passed empty to User Exit MAKE_APPROVAL. Root cause: Programming error Solution: The program was corrected Image Removed | SC-441 | Personal Queue does not work in SAP WebGui | Issue: * Shortdump GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED when a TR is added to Personal Queue from WebGui TM Monitor. * Error 'Maximum number of sessions reached' appears when starting the import of the Personal Queue from WebGui TM Monitor. Root cause: Programming error. The check for allowed maximum number of sessions is not valid for WebGui. Solution: The program has been corrected to specifically check for WebGui session. Image Removed | SC-440 | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Image Added
| Empty message window appears at RFC error during Content Approval | Issue: When Content Approval is done in TM Workflow Monitor, if RFC ping results in error an empty message is displayed. Root cause: Programming error. The error message is not caught. Solution: The program has been corrected. |
Image Removed 438 "TM Monitor>Simulate collisions" function does not show overtakers in red 440 |
Image Added
| Import parameter 'USRGROUP' is empty in User Exit MAKE_APPROVAL | Issue:
The button "Simulate collisions" During the Approval process in TM Workflow |
-Monitor does not display all Overtakers in redMonitor, the 'USRGROUP' import parameter is passed empty to User Exit MAKE_APPROVAL. Root cause: Programming error Solution: The program was corrected |
Image Removed 405 449 |
Image Added
| RFC Callback Whitelist for Transport Management | Issue: After activation RFC callback whitelist for SAP System, a dump CALLBACK_REJECTED_BY_WHITELIST occurs while technical approval for a transport request Root cause: RFC Callback whitelist was activated for SAP System, but whitelist entries for Transport Manager Add-On are missing. Solution: The following whitelist entries are to be added in all RFC destinations of TM controller, where an import will be performed, as well as in the RFC destinations to the development systems. Whitelist entries are also to be added in the SAP Development systems to the RFC Destinations to TM controller. Called FM | Callback FM /RTC/TM_GET_TRFILES | EPS_GET_FTP_SYSTEM_INFO /RTC/TM_GET_TRFILES | EPS_OPEN_INPUT_FILE /RTC/TM_GET_TRFILES | EPS_READ_BLOCK /RTC/TM_GET_TRFILES | EPS_READ_TEXT_BLOCK /RTC/TM_GET_TRFILES | EPS_CLOSE_FILE |
Image Removed | SC-360 | | Documentation, Roles/Authorizations | SC-405 |
Image Added
| Personal Queue does not work in SAP WebGui | Issue: - Shortdump GETWA_NOT_ASSIGNED when a TR is added to Personal Queue from WebGui TM Monitor.
- Error 'Maximum number of sessions reached' appears when starting the import of the Personal Queue from WebGui TM Monitor.
Root cause: Programming error. The check for allowed maximum number of sessions is not valid for WebGui. Solution: The program has been corrected to specifically check for WebGui session. | | NW/S4 platform specific issues, Queues/Proposals | SC-441 |
Image Added
| "TM Monitor>Simulate collisions" function does not show overtakers in red | Issue: The button "Simulate collisions" in TM Workflow-Monitor does not display all Overtakers in red. Root cause: Programming error Solution: The program was corrected | | Quality Assurance | SC-438 |
Synchronization Management
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Image Added
| Rollout Search Help displays transport requests from several clients | Issue: When adding existing Transport Request as RollOut in SM Object Comparison Monitor>Add RollOut Request>Existing Request, the search help to choose the modifiable TR's that can be assigned as RollOut is showing TR's from all clients, instead of the TR's from the configured client of the SM pair. Root cause: Programming error Solution: The program was corrected | | UI, Workbench | SC-360 |