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The TM web services are REST services created withODATA API under the name of ‘/RTC/TM_GW_SRV’. These services are used by SmartChange Apps as SmartChange Approval or SAP Transport Integration for JIRA:SRV’.
This article describes the activation of the SmartChang Odata services.

\uD83D\uDCD8 Instructions

System prerequisites 

Required Software components:

  • SAP_BASIS min 7.31 SP00 

  • If the system runs on 7.31 as a prerequisite you have to deploy at least the following three add-ons IW_BEP, GW_CORE and IW_FND using transaction SAINT. When using SAP NetWeaver 7.40 or higher, this step is not necessary since the software component SAP_GWFND is already deployed as part of SAP Basis.
    Minimum requirement:

  • SAP Gateway Backend Framework: 

    • IW_BEP 200 SP09

  • SAP Gateway Hub Framework:

  • IW_FND 200 SP09

  • GW_CORE 200 SP09


    The ODATA services /RTC/TM_GW_SRV are used by
    - SmartChange Apps
    + SmartChange Approval
    - SmartChange Integrations
    + SAP Transport Integration for JIRA
    + SAP Transport Integration for ServiceNow

    System prerequisites 

    Insert excerpt
    System Requirements
    System Requirements

    Service activation 

    1. Step: Activate HTTP service

    1. using transaction SMICM

    2. Step: Configure SAP Gateway (transaction SPRO)

      • Activate SAP Gateway

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      • Create SAP System Alias

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        Not using a central hub please check if system alias LOCAL is created:

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    3. Activate ICF node OPU (transaction SICF)

      • Select service

    node OPU
      • /default_host/sap/opu

      • Activate Service OPU

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      • Confirm activation

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    1. Import

    1. Transport Request SmartChange (OData Hub_Registration v5.

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    1. 4.0.0).

    2. Service Registration (transaction /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE)
      Go to /IWFND/MAINT_SERVICE to activate the Service Registration. The SICF node is delivered by default as inactive for security reasons.
      The technical service name is /RTC/TM_GW_SRV - TransportManager OData Service.

      1. Click on the service name in the Service Catalog. 
        In the Systems Aliases window - add the system alias created before
        In the ICF nodes window - Activate the ODATA ICF node.  

      1. Image Added


    SmartChange (OData Hub_Registration v5.24.0.0)

    Service name: /RTC/TM_GW_SRV

    General information

    The TM web services are REST services created with ODATA API under the name of ‘/RTC/TM_GW_SRV’.

    These calls are secured by the generated token ‘X-CSRF-Token’ which is fetched via a request of type ‘GET’ and sent to the other types of calls that require changes to the entities (‘POST’/’PUT’/DELETE’) when the session is created from the external.

    Each entity is mapped to a structure from the ABAP Dictionary and its fields are used as input and also as output parameters. The ‘PUT’ and the ‘DELETE’ request types will not return any of the fields.

    The service has navigations from an entity to another when both entities have linked keys.

    E.g. of navigation from a transport request to its attributes for a ‘GET’ request:



    Next steps are ONLY relevant when using the SmartChange Integration
    Additional configuration is required to Create TR and Release TR.
    If you want to use these functions with the SmartChange Integration, please continue.

    Additional configuration

    1. Create trusted RFC connection between Development system(s) and TM Server.

      • Use the naming convention:

      • ZRTC4_TM_<targetSID>_<targetClient>_TRUST, where <targetSID> is the SID of the development system, and <targetClient> is the working client of the development system.

      • Make sure that the RFC destination is set up as trusted: SM59>Logon and Security tab>Trust relationship = "Yes". 

      • Check if Systems are already Trusted Systems: TM Server must be a Trusted System of Development System (Transaction SMT1 on DEV).

        If NO, continue with following steps on DEV system:

    1. Transaction SM59: Create an ABAP type RFC named 'TMS' (where TMS is SID of TM Server) to TM Server.

    2. Transaction SMT1: Create a new trusted connection and follow the steps in the wizard to create it. Add 'TMS' as RFC there. 

      • on TMS system, a new RFC will be created called TRUSTING@"DEVsid"_"DEV_installationnumber"

      • Test the connection. If not successfully connected: 

        • error message is "Service 'sapmsDEV' unknown - in TMS Operation System check in the service file (/etc/service) if the service exists and create it. 

          sapmsDEV  3601/tcp  # SAP System Message Server Port

    3. Assign the role /RTC/SC_INTEGRATION (authorization for using trusted RFC connections - object S_RFCACL) to all user using Odata Services (e.g. with SmartChange Approval, SAP Transport Integration for Jira).


    The trusted RFC connection is needed for distributed landscapes (TMS is not on the Development system) for OData services Create TR and Release TR. All the actions in OData start in TM Server. TM Server needs to go via RFC to DEV, in the client where the transports are created/released with the logon user. In order to do this, DEV should trust TM Server. 

    General information

    The TM web services are REST services created with ODATA API under the name of ‘/RTC/TM_GW_SRV’.

    These calls are secured by the generated token ‘X-CSRF-Token’ which is fetched via a request of type ‘GET’ and sent to the other types of calls that require changes to the entities (‘POST’/’PUT’/DELETE’) when the session is created from the external.

    Each entity is mapped to a structure from the ABAP Dictionary and its fields are used as input and also as output parameters. The ‘PUT’ and the ‘DELETE’ request types will not return any of the fields.

    The service has navigations from an entity to another when both entities have linked keys.

    E.g. of navigation from a transport request to its attributes for a ‘GET’ request:


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