How is the STMS configuration related to the SmartChange Transport Management destinations?

How is the STMS configuration related to the SmartChange Transport Management destinations?


You are wondering about the relationship between SAP transport routes and SmartChange Transport Management destinations.


SmartChange Transport Management has its own workflow with independent destinations, which are independent of the transport routes in SAP STMS.

The target you select while creating a transport request won't have any effect on the systems to which it will be imported, as long as you insert it into the TM workflow during the release (by clicking the "Add to TM" button).

Creation of a transport request
Release of a transport request

To avoid potential issues with the STMS buffers, we recommend using a dummy target. If you use a real target, typically the transport requests are deleted from the buffer once they have been imported with the TM system queue. However, there have been a few occasions where errors have been reported in the past.