REALTECH SmartChange SP5 HF01
Released on Oct 03, 2023
New Feature
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Enhance the Backup Report to include the Integration Framework |
The /RTC/TM_BACKUP report has been improved in this release to include the SmartChange tables and HTTP RFCs that are used in the SmartChange Integration Framework. |
Integration Framework | SC-316 | |
Display Ticket ID in messages when technical key and Ticket ID are different |
In this release, SAP messages now use the Ticket ID instead of the technical key for the Ticket assigned to a transport request. The Ticket ID and technical key are can be different depending on the ITSM type (e.g. Service Now) |
Integration Framework | SC-1223 | |
Seperate UPD actions from the customer configuration in the TM Integration Framework |
With this feature, the configuration for the TM Integration Framework - TM Workflow step configuration has been simplified. The actions for the UPD item type no longer have to be configured manually. They are delivered as default as active, depending on the ITSM type. Supported UPD actions for each ITSM type can be checked in table /RTC/TM_IF_SERVD. The templates for configurations have been updated accordingly, the following templates have been impacted:
Manual step _We recommend you manually delete all UPD corresponding entries from transaction /RTC/TM_IF_CONFIG > TM Workflow step configuration. They are no longer required and it will simplify the v_iew. |
Integration Framework | SC-1351 | |
Display of data in corresponding ITSM SmartChange Pannel at deletion of TR from TM WF Monitor |
We have added a new feature in this release that enables the display of import and approval data in the ITSM SmartChange panel for deleted transport requests from TM Workflow Monitor and moved to the History.
The difference between the deleted requests and those reaching the end of their lifecycle will be made visible through the use of different icons. |
Integration Framework, Jira_App | SC-1380 | |
Enhance report to synchronize requests between SAP and ITSM |
In this release, the report /RTC/TM_SYNC_SAP_ITSM has been enhanced as follows:
Also, due to feature , no prerequisite configuration is necessary for the UPD/SYNC action. As default, if the ITSM is active and its corresponding ITSM Type supports the synchronization feature, it will be considered by the report. |
Integration Framework | SC-1403 | |
OData Service enhanced for the TR Mass Release via $Batch operation |
With this feature, you can now release multiple transport requests and add them to TM via the OData service. In order to achieve this, the $Batch operation has been implemented. The batch operation in the OData protocol can combine multiple requests into a single request. Batch requests are submitted as a single POST request to the /odata/v2/$batch URI. The maximum number of request count allowed in a batch request is 180. Multiple requests in a batch are processed independently of each other. All request operations in the same changeset follow the everything or nothing rule i.e. failure of a single operation causes the whole $batch to fail. Partial changes are not done. Prerequisites:
Functionality If the transport request has the status “Modifiable”, it will be released and according to the TM configuration on the development system, it will be added to the TM workflow. If the transport request has already been released, with the same OData call, you can add the transport request to the TM workflow. For this, the transport files must already exist on the TM Server. Possible outcome error messages:
Example for releasing 2 TRs with the all-or-nothing concept (same changeset) URI: /sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/$batch
Integration Framework, Jira_App, OData Services | SC-1426 | |
Update Integration Framework template for ServiceNow |
As part of the ServiceNow app "SAP Transport Management for ServiceNow" certification the scope of the application had to be moved to x_real_app1. The ServiceNow TM Integration Framework configuration template has been adjusted for Item type ‘UPD’ accordingly. The following templates are affected by this update: SNOW template: TEMPLATE_ SNOW_INC Work Item UPD - New Path /api/x_real3_app1/rtc |
Integration Framework, ServiceNow | SC-1442 |
Fixed Bugs
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Result of "Simulate collisions for make approval" is different than the "Make approval" process |
In the previous versions, there was a discrepancy in how collisions were displayed in the simulation approval compared to the make approval process. |
The program has been corrected. This release solves this issue. |
Approval | SC-1417 | |
Short dump CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR generated by TM system queue because of Deadlock on table /RTC/TM_RFC_LOG |
Jobs scheduled for program /RTC/TM_IMPORT_SYSTEM_QUEUE are canceled sometimes, logging the following error: On the system, the following short dump is generated: |
The function module /RTC/TM_RFC_LOG was changed to avoid deadlock when the table /RTC/TM_RFC_LOG is updated. |
Queues/Proposals, Tools | SC-1435 |
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Synchronization status not changed after TR import for object type ENHO |
The status for the ENHO object type was displayed incorrectly due to missing timestamp adjustments of versions when the object was modified in DEV. |
The object versionability check has been extended to include checks in the "versobj" and "versobj_alias" tables. This enhancement now considers the active version in the development system. |
Objects analysis, UI, Workbench | SC-1395 | |
Synchronization popup 'Non-Included Objects' wrongly asks to override user lock |
The "Overrides lock user" button in the Pop-Up, which displays objects not included during transport synchronization between systems, causes confusion as the 'Locking Request' column remains empty for locked objects. |
In this release, we have made some updates to the Pop-Up that appears when synchronizing transports between systems. The “Overrides lock user” button has been renamed to “Override” for clarity. This change was made because if an object is locked, the 'Locking Request' column will be empty. Furthermore, we have adjusted the ALV to optimize the display of information, reducing the need for excessive scrolling. As a result, the reason for a message will now be located in the last column. |
Synchronization, UI | SC-1388 | |
Deletion of CDS Views in the MAINT-System is not taken over in the RollOut Request |
This release addresses an issue in Synchronization Management related to the deletion of CDS Views. In the previous version, when a CDS View was deleted in the MAINT system and the original TR was synchronized, the deletion of the objects was not properly included in the corresponding Rollout request, leading to an error. |
The program has been corrected. |
Synchronization | SC-1432 | |
Runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_X when double clicking Rollout in SyM Workbench Objectlist |
At double click on the Rollout nr in the Synchronization Management Object Comparison - Workbench Objectlist, the following error message interrupts processing: On the corresponding DEV system, the following short dump is registered: |
The program has been corrected. |
UI, Workbench | SC-1397 |