This user exit is called at every time an entry is made into the Import tracking table /RTC/TM_HLOG, so usually after an import or after receiving return code information through the import scanner.
Location for activation
TM Server
Template function Module
Import Parameters
Internal table LT_IMPORT_INFO
Field | Description |
TRKORR | Transport Request |
SHORTTEXT | Short text of the Transport Request |
R3_SID | Target System of the import |
R3_CLIENT | Target Client of the import |
AS4USER | Request Owner |
AS4DATE | Import date |
AS4TIME | Import time |
TRANSUSER | <User Name>: Import executed via personal Queue of that user Others: import executed via SAP TMS |
PJ_NAME | Project the imported request is assigned to |
CO_RETCODE | Overall return code of all import steps |
TP_RETCODE | Return code of the tp execution |
Export Parameters
All import activities should be stored in customer specific tables for further analysis
Step 1 | Copy the function module /RTC/TM_TMPL_AFTER_ADD_2_TRACK to a new function module |
Add the following code to the section “Begin of customer implementation”:
FIELD-SYMBOLS: <lw_import_info>.
LOOP AT lt_import_info ASSIGNING <lw_import_info>.
* Copy field information, customer needs to own work area to provide cutomer own
* table