Release JC-1.3.16-AC

Release JC-1.3.16-AC

Minor version release

Released on Aug 01, 2023

New Feature

Priority Key Summary Status
High STC-252

We have implemented a feature that displays the corresponding request status when it is moved to the history, both automatically and manually. Additionally, we have reorganized the order of transports to align with the lifecycle order, enhancing the logical flow of the transportation process. These updates provide users with improved visibility and a more streamlined experience.

Medium STC-235

Add reassign of SAP transport feature.

Medium STC-203

We have introduced a new UI design for the status configuration of approval and creation features. The checkboxes have been replaced with toggle buttons, and a category column has been added, enhancing the visual presentation and usability of the configuration interface.

Medium STC-202

In this release, we have made changes to the feature configuration by reordering the statuses based on their category, resulting in a more organized and intuitive display of statuses for enhanced user experience.



Priority Key Summary Status
Medium STC-251

Bug fix: Resolved an issue where the creation area was erroneously displayed with an error icon when viewing quality aspects. Improved user experience by eliminating the unwanted display.
