This exit can be used before an approval or revoking requests. The difference for the approval check compared to the MAKE_APPROVAL user exit is, that that table LT_TRKORR contains all requests that are marked for approval. So if it needs some checks that require to know about all requests that the user is trying to approve, an implementation for this user exit is the right one.
Location for activation
TM Server
Template function Module
Import Parameters
Internal table LT_TRKORR
Field | Description |
TRKORR | Transport Request |
OWNER | Request Owner |
PJ_NAME | Project that is assigned to the Transport Request |
DESTI_NAME | Destination that is assigned to the Transport Request |
LEVEL_NAME | Name of the initial transport level after insertion |
Export Parameters
Parameter | Type | Shorttext |
LV_RETCODE | SY-SUBRC | 0: Request(s) will be approved >0: Request(s) will not be approved |
LV_MSGTEXT | /rtc/tm_param-value | Message, that should appear in case of sending return code > 0. |
Requests should not be switched to history if colliding requests with older versions are not yet imported into Production.
Step 1 | Copy the function module /RTC/TM_TMPL_ BEFORE_APP_REV to a new function module |