Implementations of this user exit are processed:
In attribute maintenance screen when
Attributes are saved
Users switches from edit mode to display mode
In workflow wizard, if there are attributes to maintain and before the user proceeds with the next wizard step.
This exit is very useful if attributes have dependencies, as the user exit provides all attribute values at once. Example: Attribute 1 = TICKET TYPE, Attribute 2 = TICKET NUMBER.
If there are naming conventions types to check for the different ticket types, you must know and evaluate the value for TICKET TYPE in order to see, if the TICKET NUMBER fits to the naming conventions.
Location for activation
TM Server
Template function Module
Import Parameters
Field | TYPE | Description |
LV_TRKORR | /RTC/TM_REQ-TRKORR | Transport Request |
LT_ATTR | FIELDS: ATTR_NAME TYPE /RTC/TM_TM_ATT VALUE TYPE /RTC/TM_TM_ATTRVALUE | Table, hat contains the requests current attributes and their assigned values ATTR_NAME: Name of the attribute VALUE: Value of the attribute |
Export Parameters
Parameter | Type | Shorttext |
LV_RETCODE | SY-SUBRC | 0: Attributes can be saved >0: Attributes cannot be saved |
LV_MSGTEXT | /rtc/tm_param-value | Message, that should appear in case of sending return code > 0. |
The customer has connected TM to a 3rd party ticketing system. There are various ticket types possible. Depending on the ticket type, the ticket number can (and must) have different length.
Step 1 | Copy the function module /RTC/TM_TMPL_ TM_ATTRIBS_VALUES to a new function module |
Add the following code to the section “Begin of customer implementation”:
constants: lv_lo6(6) value '0000000',
lv_hi6(6) value '9999999',
lv_lo5(5) value '000000',
lv_hi5(5) value '999999',
lv_lo4(4) value '00000',
lv_hi4(4) value '99999'.
data: lw_attr1 like lt_attr.
data: lv_len type i.
data: lv_lens.
read table lt_attr into lw_attr
with key attr_name = 'TICKET TYPE'.
read table lt_attr into lw_attr1
with key attr_name = 'TICKET ID'.
lv_len = strlen( lw_attr1-value ).
case lw_attr-value.
when 'Service Call'.
if not ( lv_len = 6 and
lw_attr1-value between lv_lo6 and lv_hi6 ).
lv_retcode = 6.
when 'Change' or 'Work Order'.
if not ( lv_len = 5 and
lw_attr1-value between lv_lo5 and lv_hi5 ).
lv_retcode = 5.
when 'Problem'.
if not ( lv_len = 4 and
lw_attr1-value between lv_lo4 and lv_hi4 ).
lv_retcode = 4.
when others.
lv_retcode = 12.
if sy-langu = 'D'.
concatenate 'Ungültiger Ticket Type:'
lw_attr-value into lv_msgtext1
separated by space.
concatenate 'Invalid Ticket Type:'
lw_attr-value into lv_msgtext1
separated by space.
if lv_retcode > 0 and lv_retcode < 12.
lv_lens = lv_retcode.
if sy-langu = 'D'.
concatenate 'Die Ticket ID für Tickets vom Typ'
lw_attr-value into lv_msgtext1 separated by space.
concatenate 'muss nummerisch und' lv_lens 'stellig sein.'
into lv_msgtext2 separated by space.
concatenate 'The Ticket ID for tickets of type'
lw_attr-value into lv_msgtext1 separated by space.
concatenate 'must be nummeric with length' lv_lens '.'
into lv_msgtext2 separated by space.