SmartChange 2019 SP2 HF06
Released on Oct 08, 2021
New Feature
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Central configuration and usage of import UMODE information via TM TOOLS>Import Tracking |
With this feature, you have now a central access point to maintain and configure the usage of UMODE import information, via TM>Global Settings>Feature as follows:
Configuration |
SC-828 |
Display ITSM ID and ITSM ticket number in TM Workflow Monitor |
With this feature, two new columns have been added to the TM Workflow Monitor: ITSM ID and Ticket ID:
Integration Framework, UI |
SC-712 |
Add "Import Timestamp" information to the web call for updating a Jira Issue |
With this feature, the timestamp of the import is transferred to the Jira App, converted to UTC. |
Integration Framework |
SC-779 |
Create and prepare ITSM Type "SOLMAN" in TM Integration Framework |
With this feature, the TM Integration Framework configuration has been enhanced with a new ITSM type: SOLMAN. |
Integration Framework |
SC-812 |
OData Service Create_TR should trigger the TM IF Badi for Updating Jira Issue |
With this new feature, the TM Integration Framework functionality has been integrated into the OData service for creating a transport request. |
Integration Framework, OData Services |
SC-824 |
Display ITSM ticket number as hyperlink in TM Workflow Monitor |
With this feature, the column 'Ticket ID' from the TM Monitor has been defined as a hyperlink. You can now jump directly from the TM monitor to the assigned Ticket ID in the default web browser. As a prerequisite for this feature, you must perform the following configuration in the transaction /RTC/TM_IF_CONFIG>ITSM Systems configuration:
Integration Framework |
SC-841 |
Mandatory reason for overwriting collisions |
With this feature, a new check box field 'Mandatory reason to ignore collisions' has been added in the collision configuration, TM>Quality Assurance>Collisions. The reason is saved in the TM Actionlog. |
Quality Assurance |
SC-821 |
Add Workflow Collision Tab to TM-Reporting (Request Lifecycle) |
With this new feature, you can now display the information about collisions in the Request Lifecycle in TM-Reporting. |
Tools, UI |
SC-656 |
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
TM/SyM integration - add SyM rollout request to TM action log |
With this feature, the TM/SyM Integration has been enhanced. You can now see the SyM Rollout Request used for synchronizing a Transport Request in the Transport Action log in TM. Note! |
Synchronization, TM/SM Integration, UI |
SC-771 |
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Display content of a SYNCXXXXX request when double-clicking on it in the SyM Synchronization Tree |
With this feature, you can see the content of an SYNCxxxxx request in a pop-up window, by double-clicking on it in the SyM synchronization tree. |
UI |
SC-785 |
Fixed Bugs
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
TM>Destinations>'Delete' destination shows no warning |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Configuration, UI |
SC-791 |
TM Status Switcher does not ignore import checks for irrelevant systems |
Issue: Root cause: Solution:
The following scenarios can be configured:
Loaders/Switchers |
SC-787 |
TM Tools>Import tracking - transport is missing after adding a list of transports to the personal queue |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Tools |
SC-827 |
TM Tools > Display of System Group name is limited to 12 characters |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Tools, UI |
SC-829 |
TM Tools > right click on System Queue displays option "Delete Queue" |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Tools, UI |
SC-835 |
TM Tools > Import Tracking shows wrong Umode values |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Tools |
SC-837 |
Transport Manager ALV display not correct for approvers when filtering for approver |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
SC-832 |
The lock on TM>Global Settings is not released at 'BACK' user command |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
SC-840 |
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
SyM Reset report, /RTC/SA_RESET, deletes all task list entries when having multiple client pairs |
Issue: Root cause: Solution:
Objects analysis, UI |
SC-754 |
Short dump CNTL_ERROR when running the initial job for SyM>Workbench analysis |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
SC-830 |
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Return code 8 at TR import SR1K900050 (SC v5.2.0.0) when installing SmartChange version v5.2.5.0 |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Security |
SC-846 |