REALTECH SmartChange SP4 HF07

REALTECH SmartChange SP4 HF07


Released on May 26, 2023

New Feature

Transport Management

Priority Title Release Note Components Reference


Color key for Quality Assurance > Collision screen

In this release, a new color key button has been added to the menu of the Quality Assurance popup, for the Collision screen displayed when approving transport requests. This color key will provide users with more information regarding the different types of collisions, overtakers, and overwriters.

Approval, Quality Assurance, UI



Updated Transport Request in ITSM System: Handling Action Rejection and Revoke Rejection

This release adds a new feature to TM Workflow Monitor that allows users to trigger an update to the ITSM/Ticket ID assigned to a transport request when it is rejected or revoked. In order for this feature to work properly, certain prerequisites must be met, including the configuration of TM IF. Additionally, if there is an error during the update calls to the ITSM services, they can be saved and recalled manually or automatically.


In order for the feature to work properly, certain prerequisites must be met.

TM IF configuration
The following actions must be configured for the current assigned ITSM system.

  1. UPD/REJECT (Reject TR)
  2. UPD/REJECT_REV (Revoke reject TR)

The template entries can be copied and used as references.


If an error occurs during the update calls to the ITSM(s), the calls are saved for later recall via transaction /RTC/TM_IF_MONITOR. The update can be triggered either manually or automatically (job schedule or subsequent update calls triggered by working with the specific transport request in TM Workflow Monitor: like approve, import, or switch status).

Integration Framework, Jira_App



Display ticket number in the TM Workflow email

We are pleased to announce a new feature for the TM Workflow mail notifications. Tickets will now be automatically displayed within the email notification containing a link to the ticket. This feature enables users to quickly and easily access their tickets during the approval and import processes.

In order to activate this feature, the following setting is needed in the TM Integration Framework configuration - Transaction code /RTC/TM_IF_CONFIG >Global settings:

  • EMAIL_DISP - Display email: ' ' = always display, 'A' = display only if assigned

Integration Framework, Notifications/Mails



Allow Transport of Copies to be assigned to ITSM Id/Ticket Id

We are pleased to announce that the transport request creation process for “Transport of requests” in SAP is now streamlined with the integration of ITSM Id/Ticket Id for all supported SAP NetWeaver versions.

This integration is enabled by the TM Integration Framework. As a prerequisite, you need to make sure the TM Integration Framework allows integration for all transport request types, using the setting: transaction code /RTC/TM_IF_CONFIG > Global setting -> TR_TYPE = 'A' (All).

After creation to Transport of copies, the assignment is stored as an SAP attribute as usual. For SAP NetWeaver versions which don't display the SAP attributes in the standard transport organizer transactions, they can be displayed by consulting the following OSS notes:

Integration Framework



Enhance TM Integration Framework Template for 'Reject' and 'Revoke Reject' actions

The Jira TM Integration Framework configuration template has been enhanced with two new actions REJECT (Reject transport request) and REJECT_REV (Revoke reject transport request) for Item type ‘UPD’. They allow users to update the assigned Ticket Id with the reject status of the transport request from the TM Workflow Monitor. The new functionality is now available for ITSM-type Jira. Support for Service Now will be available in future releases.

Template entries for the new Reassign functionality



UPD/ REJECT_REV - Revoke reject TR

Integration Framework, Jira_App



OData service to create transport requests checks the SAP NetWeaver version for request type TOC

This release introduces the ability to create transport requests of type Transport of Copies (ToC) via OData.

If parameters ‘External attribute' or 'External id’ are filled, the corresponding SAP transport request attributes are saved in SAP table E070A.

For SAP NetWeaver versions that don't display the SAP attributes in the standard transport organizer transactions, they can be displayed by consulting the following OSS notes:





 "As4text":"Test ODATA",

Jira_App, OData Services



New type of collision detection for downgrade protection - Overwriters

We have updated the collision detection feature to provide support with downgrade protection.
The feature allows us to clearly identify when development objects might get overwritten by an older version. This is indicated by red characters in the transport name.

If the transport request being approved is an overwriter, it will require the same authorization to ignore the collision as in the case of an overtaker.

With this version, the overwriters are detected and displayed for the Quality Assurance setting - ‘Show all collisions’.

Quality Assurance


Synchronization Management

Priority Title Release Note Components Reference


Performance Optimization Synchronization Area: Faster Processing

We've improved the customizing view by refactoring the selection of transports to be displayed in the tree.

Performance, UI


Fixed Bugs

Transport Management

Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference


UI bug in Quality Assurance popup at Approval after "Simulate Collisions"

When the approval function is used after using the simulate collisions function, only the tabs for Collisions and Dependency Informations are visible. The other ones can be called with '<' button which is not really intuitive.

The program has been corrected.

Approval, Quality Assurance, UI



No transport request can be created if the TM BAdI is deactivated

The functionality recently introduced regarding the display of modifiable requests within TM is not deactivated when the TM BAdIs are shut down in order to deactivate TM.

In this case, sometimes transports cannot be created.

The maintenance in TM of the modifiable transport requests will be skipped when the BAdI before release /RTC/TM_BEFORE_EXP_1 is inactive.




Error 'RFC-Connection ZRTC4_TM_<SID> does not exist' prevents Reassign ITSM/Ticket ID for external transports

When trying to Reassign ITSM/Ticket ID for an external TR (right click on TR), meaning no RFC to the original system exists, the following error message interrupts the process 'RFC-Connection ZRTC4_TM_<SID> does not exist'.

The program has been corrected. Reassign ITSM Id/ Ticket ID is possible for external TRs.

Integration Framework



TM Integration Framework Monitor fails to reprocess Jira update web calls for specific Actions

Failed ITSM Updates triggered from the TM Workflow are recorded in TM Integration Framework Monitor for troubleshooting and reprocessing.

Reprocessing Actions like ‘Status Switch’ ends with a success message, even though the update call is not performed.

The program has been corrected. All update actions supported for Jira have been reviewed and corrected.

Integration Framework



Popup to assign Project/Destination at TR release for Workbench shows also destinations for type TOC

When releasing transport requests of type Workbench, the pop-up to assign Project/Destination shows also destinations for type transport of copies (TOC).

The program has been corrected.



Synchronization Management

Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference


RFC-Connections errors due to load balancing when adding a system in SyM

When adding a new system in SyM, the installation process creates the RFC-Connections. The user does not have the possibility to choose if the load balancing should be active or not, the RFCs will always be created with the load balancing deactivated.

Some landscapes allow RFC-Connections only with active load balancing, otherwise, the connection will fail.

This release adds a new mandatory field to the configuration screen, allowing the user to select if the load balancing will be active or not. This is to ensure compatibility with landscapes that require active load balancing for RFC-Connections.

Configuration, UI



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