REALTECH SmartChange SP6 HF03

REALTECH SmartChange SP6 HF03


Released on Sep 25, 2024

New Feature

Product SmartChange
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
High OData Service for Checking Critical Objects and Special Aspects at Transport Request Release

A new OData service has been introduced to simulate the QA check for critical objects and special aspects, similar to the check performed during the release of a transport request (TR) or Transport of Copies (ToC). This functionality is configured via the /RTC/TM_BADI transaction.

  • QA Check Simulation: The OData service performs a QA check at the release of TRs or ToCs.
  • Modifiable Transports in ToC: All modifiable transport requests included in a ToC must be specified.
    Note: The ToC is not created during this process.

Call Example:

/sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/QA_TM_TR_RELSet?$filter=Trkorr eq 'MDQK900251,MDQK900184' and Toc eq 'X'&$expand=NavToCritObj,NavToSpecialAspects

For ToC checks, the call includes "and Toc eq 'X'" to indicate the Transport of Copies.

OData Services SC-1729
High Increased Length of External User Field to 100 Characters

The length of the data element /RTC/TM_EXT_USER has been increased from 30 to 100 characters. This update allows for the entry of longer external user names, enhancing flexibility and supporting a wider range of user identification formats.

OData Services SC-1748
Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
High Release Date-Based Import Control for Transport Requests

A new Release Management feature has been introduced to manage the import of Transport Requests based on their specified release dates. The system now automatically delays the import of Transport Requests until their release date has been reached. This enhancement offers several benefits:

  • Automatic Import Delay: Transport Requests are automatically excluded from import until their defined release date.
  • Import Queue Management: Transport Requests with future release dates are excluded from the Import Queue generation process.
  • Improved Timing Control: Provides greater control over when imports occur, improving coordination of system changes.
  • Risk Reduction: Reduces the risk of premature changes by preventing imports before the intended release date.
Release Management SC-1683
High Display Release Date and Time in TM Workflow Monitor

The Transport Management (TM) Workflow Monitor has been updated to include two new columns:

  1. Release Date
  2. Release Time

This enhancement provides users with immediate visibility of assigned release information directly within the Workflow Monitor. By displaying these key details, users can more efficiently track and manage Transport Requests throughout the workflow process. This improvement streamlines decision-making and increases overall visibility into the release status of Transport Requests.

Release Management, Workflow Monitor SC-1732
Critical New Transaction /RTC/TM_INI_COM for SAP Rise Environments Without Using Client 000

In SAP Rise environments where client 000 is not used, customers faced issues executing the INI process due to insufficient user rights. A new transaction, /RTC/TM_INI_COM, has been introduced to allow the INI process to be executed in client 100. This transaction behaves in the same way as the standard /RTC/TM_INI transaction in client 000, enabling the creation of RFCs and user assignments.

Security, TM INI SC-1644
High Display TM Attributes for Modifiable Requests if Available

In this release, functionality has been added to display TM Attributes for modifiable transport requests if the attributes are available in the system. Previously, TM Attributes can now be displayed in the corresponding tab if present.

TM Attribute, Workflow Monitor SC-1710

Fixed Bugs

Product Synchronization Management
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
Critical SyncReq Request Should Not Be Added to Task List

In the latest update, an issue was fixed where Sync Requests were incorrectly added to the Task List during job creation and Task List initialization. This did not occur when requests were released through the standard process. The inclusion of unexpected Sync Requests in the Task List caused confusion and potential errors in task management, affecting multiple system processes related to task management and synchronization.

The program has been corrected.

Customizing, Tasklist, UI, Workbench SC-1753
High Rollout Display Issue with Existing Transport Requests

Users encountered an issue when creating rollouts using existing Transport Requests, where the new rollout was not displayed due to incorrect data in the table /RTC/SA_E070.

The program has been corrected.

Synchronization SC-1749
Product SmartChange
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
High "TM IF: Required attribute ZRTC_TM_TICKET_ID not found for TR" During Transport Request Release

An error occurred when releasing a transport request created without assigning a ticket ID and without adding it to TM. The error message "TM IF: Required attribute ZRTC_TM_TICKET_ID not found for TR" appeared incorrectly during the release process. This issue was observed with both ITSM ServiceNow and Jira, indicating a general problem.

The program has been corrected.

Integration Framework SC-1728
High Table Maintenance for /RTC/TM_IF_QRYV Was Not Transported

When accessing the ITSM configuration, users encountered the error: "The maintenance dialog for /RTC/TM_IF_QRYV is incomplete or not defined."

The program has been corrected.

Integration Framework SC-1746
Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
High SC2019 SP06 HF02 Import Ended with Syntax Error

The import of Hotfix SC2019 SP06 HF02 failed due to a syntax error in Function Module /RTC/TM_IF_TEST_GET_ITSM. The error was caused by a missing parameter in the 'get_items' method call.

The syntax error has been corrected.

Integration Framework, Security SC-1737
High Sorting in Package View is Missing

In the "Package View," following Hotfix 2, the arrows to move requests up and down were no longer visible. This issue impacted the ability to sort transport requests within the view.

The sorting arrows have been restored in the Package View. The arrows will now be visible for users unless explicitly disabled in the global settings.

Package, UI SC-1744
High Display of TM Attributes in "Modifiable Requests" Section of Workflow Monitor is Misleading

The option to maintain TM attributes for modifiable transport requests in the Workflow Monitor is misleading. The menu option <Request><TM Attributes> is not functional and should be inactive for modifiable requests.

The program has been corrected to ensure the TM attributes option is inactive for modifiable transport requests.

TM Attribute, Workflow Monitor SC-1755
High Short Dump 'SAPSQL_PARSE_ERROR' in /RTC/CL_TM_SELECT_REQUESTS====CP When Displaying Transport Requests in Workflow History

The SAPSQL_PARSE_ERROR short dump occurred when displaying transport requests in the Workflow History. This was caused by a dynamic SQL call to the views /RTC/TM_WFHV00 and /RTC/TM_WFAV00, where a required field in the WHERE clause was missing.

The missing field has been added to the views /RTC/TM_WFHV00 and /RTC/TM_WFAV00.

TM History SC-1741