REALTECH SmartChange SP5 HF04

REALTECH SmartChange SP5 HF04


Released on Feb 05, 2024

New Feature

Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
High Monitoring and Notification of Aborted Import Jobs

A new feature has been introduced in SmartChange user settings, titled 'If import job has an error,' enabling users to monitor and manage messages associated with system queue imports.

Configuration, Notifications/Mails, UI SC-1401
High Logging of ToC Process at Original Transport Request

This feature adds information to the action log for modifiable transport requests, including:

  • Creation of the transport request
  • Assignment of project/destination to the transport request
  • Modification of project/destination for transport request
  • Adding the original transport request to ToC

This logging feature provides a comprehensive overview of the ToC (Transport of Copies) process for original transport requests.

Log, ToC SC-1473
High OData Service Enhanced with CTS Project for TR Creation

The Odata for creation of the transport request was enhanced with additional parameters: CTS Project , TM Project and TM destination.

URL: /sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/Transport_RequestSet

 "As4text":"Create TR Test ODATA",
OData Services SC-1516
High Enable 'Fast Track' Projects for Non-Critical/Allowlist Objects

This update facilitates the 'Fast Track' option by implementing the following new feature:

  • Introduction of a new tab in Quality Assurance, named “Uncritical Objects” / "Allowlist Objects", enabling the definition of NON CRITICAL OBJECTS at both the global and development system levels.
  • Integration of this feature allowing projects to be marked for fast-tracking in the project menu.
  • Display of fast-tracking projects exclusively in the selection pop-up during transport request release. The validation for allowlist objects occurs within the development system, comparing against those defined at either the global or current development system level.
Project Administration, ToC SC-1489
Medium Restrict Modification of Foreign Transports in TM Workflow Monitor Using Button to Change Project/Destination

In the latest update, users with restricted authorization limited to "Own Transports (U)" are now unable to change the Project/Destination for foreign modifable transport requests in the TM Workflow Monitor.

Security, ToC SC-1515
High Display TOC Requests in the TM Workflow Monitor Detailed List

In the latest update, an additional tab has been integrated into the TM Workflow Monitor under Modifiable Requests > Detailed List. This tab becomes visible exclusively if a Transport of Copies (ToC) has been generated for the selected transport and if the ToC feature is activated in the configuration settings.

Within this tab, users will find a list containing all TOC requests where the request has been included.

ToC, Workflow Monitor SC-1506
Medium Improved Project/Destination Assignment for Modifiable Transport Requests with Destination Version

In the latest update, a new feature has been introduced in the TM Workflow Monitor for modifiable transports. A new column, highlighted in grey, has been added to display the destination version.

With this feature the version information is saved upon creation and updated dynamically in the TM Workflow Monitor whenever there is a change to the project/destination assignment.

ToC SC-1510
Medium ToC Requests Status Column

A new column labeled 'ToC' has been integrated into the TM Workflow Monitor for modifiable transport requests, providing a visual indication of whether a ToC (Transport of Copies) request exists for the associated transport request.

ToC, Workflow Monitor SC-1535
High Download Transport Request Files with Transaction /RTC/SC_TR_FILES

The /RTC/SC_TR_FILES transaction allows users to easily download and upload transport request files. Access to this functionality requires appropriate authorization for the transaction.

Tools SC-1527
Medium Enhanced TM User Creation in /RTC/TM_RESET_TO_USER_DEF_SET Report

The /RTC/TM_RESET_TO_USER_DEF_SET report now offers the functionality to create new users in TM, utilizing default user settings when the 'Create TM users' flag is enabled.

Tools SC-1538
High F8 Key Shortcut for Workflow Monitor

With this feature, users can now utilize the F8 key as an alternative to the Enter key to quickly access the TM Workflow Monitor.

Workflow Monitor SC-1537

Fixed Bugs

Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
Medium OData Call to Create Transport Request with CTS Project Ends with Short Dump MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN

The OData to create a transport request ends with runtime error MESSAGE_TYPE_UNKNOWN when an incorrect CTS Project information was filled.

Universal Resource ID: /sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/Transport_RequestSet

The termination occurred in ABAP program or include "/RTC/TM_CL_CON_LOG============CP", in "ADD_INTERNAL_LOGS". The main program was "SAPMHTTP".

The program has been corrected.

OData Services SC-1540
Medium Short Dump ASSIGN_TYPE_CONFLICT in TM QA > Critical Objects > Template

A short dump occured with the error ASSIGN_TYPE_CONFLICT when attempting to use the buttons Insert, Change, and Delete in the Critical Objects Template within TM Quality Aspects. These buttons were erroneously displayed on the screen, causing confusion and leading to the dump.

The program has been corrected. The buttons Insert, Change, and Delete have been removed from the Critical Objects Template screen in TM Quality Aspects.

Quality Assurance, UI SC-1531
Medium TM Attribute F4 Help Issue with Default User Exit Implementation

When defining a TM attribute, users have the option to define default values and enable the value help. This results in having an input help available when assigning the attribute to a transport.

Nevertheless, this functionality does not work anymore if the ‘/RTC/TM_UEX1_TM_DYNP_ATTRIB_V' function module implementation is used for user exit ‘TM_DYNP_ATTRIB_VALUES’. This default user exit implementation is part of the out-of-the-box feature 'Attribute-based Scheduled Import’.

The program has been corrected.

TM Attribute SC-1532
Medium Typo and Missing Translation when Manually Adding TR to TM

When manually adding a transport request to Transport Management (TM), users encountered a typo in the description along with missing German translation. This resulted in inconsistencies and potential confusion during the TR addition process.

The typo in the description has been corrected, and missing German translations have been added.

UI, Workflow Monitor SC-1521


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