REALTECH SmartChange SP5 HF02

REALTECH SmartChange SP5 HF02


Released on Nov 01, 2023

New Feature

Product SmartChange
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
High Introducing a New Report for Updating SNC Information in Existing TM and SYM RFCs

We're excited to present a new report that simplifies the process of updating Secure Network Communication (SNC) settings within Transport Management (TM) and Synchronization (SyM) RFC connections. This report can be accessed using the /RTC/SC_SNC_CHANGE transaction.
The information about the SNC string is taken from the profile parameter 'snc/identity/as' of the destination system.

  • Password Requirement: To enhance security, this update requires RFC connection passwords to be entered.
  • Expanded Landscape Search: The report will search the entire TM or SYM landscape, unless limited by the 'Only in current system' option.
  • Filtered RFC Destinations: If you specify RFC Destination filters, only those designated RFC destinations will undergo the updates
Configuration, Security SC-1392
Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
High Enhancing SmartChange Menu with Integration Framework Transaction Codes

In this release, we've expanded the SmartChange Menu to seamlessly integrate the Integration Framework. This enhancement streamlines your access to Integration Framework Configuration, Monitoring and Logs.

Configuration, Integration Framework SC-1441
High Report for Copying Ticket Assignment Data to /RTC/TM_TICKET Table

The report /RTC/TM_MIGRATE_TICKET_ID has been designed to copy Ticket information from TM attributes and store them in the new /RTC/TM_TICKET table. Please note that the report comes with a limitation: it expects a transport request to be assigned to a single ticket. Data migration is performed only for transport requests from the TM monitor (from the /RTC/TM_REQ table).

Integration Framework SC-1439
High User Exit Implementation for "Attribute-Based Scheduled Import"

With SmartChange Transport Management, you now have the flexibility to postpone the import of specific transport requests based on attribute-defined time and date criteria. This feature can be particularly useful for scenarios where you wish to prevent certain transports from being imported during regular working hours. To take advantage of this function, please refer to the step-by-step guide outlined in the How-to article:


User Exits SC-1478

Fixed Bugs

Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
High Incorrect Filling of RFCDOC Table in Backup Report

In this release, it was observed that the RFCDOC table for the RFC destinations of TM Integration Framework was filled incorrectly.

The program has been corrected to resolve this issue, ensuring the RFCDOC table is accurately filled in the backup report.

Integration Framework SC-1455
Medium Proposal Job Button Inactivity

In previous versions, clicking the "Job" button in the Job/Proposal area ab had no effect; nothing happened.

The program has been corrected. Now, clicking the "Job" button will correctly display the job details in this release.

Queues/Proposals, UI SC-1449
Medium Missing German Translation and Function Code in TM Tools

In this release, the German language translation and function code were missing within the 'Adjustment of import database (Target System)' tab.

The program has been corrected to include the missing German translation and function code.

UI SC-1445
Product Synchronization Management
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
Medium Synchronization Log Error Displaying Rollout

In this release, we address the issue of the Rollout Request being erroneously displayed in the SA transport log.

The program has been corrected to resolve this error in the synchronization log, ensuring that the Rollout Request is displayed accurately.

Synchronization, UI SC-1411