REALTECH SmartChange SP6 HF05
REALTECH SmartChange SP6 HF05
Released on Dec 06, 2024
New Feature
Product Synchronization Management
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
New Columns Added to Customizing View for Rollout and Request Status | The latest version introduces two new columns, Rollout Request and Request Status, in the detail section for Customizing transports. These columns provide improved visibility by displaying the Rollout in which a Transport Request is included and its current status. | Customizing, Synchronization, UI | SC-770 |
Product SmartChange
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Updating ITSM Issue: System Lock Status Transfer During Import | During the import process of ITSM issues, the system lock status information was not being properly transferred. This enhancement ensures that the locked status of a system is now accurately captured and handed over as part of the import information, providing better system status tracking and management within the ITSM process. | Integration Framework, Jira_App | SC-1661 | |
ITSM Update Enhanced with TM Release Data and Automated Trigger | The ITSM update call has been enhanced to include TM release data. Additionally, the update is now automatically triggered whenever a transport request is assigned to a release for Jira or ServiceNow, ensuring seamless synchronization of release information across systems. | Integration Framework, Release Management | SC-1809 | |
Freshservice Integration: Automatic Ticket Note Creation for Configurable Actions |
A new integration for Freshservice has been implemented, which includes the automatic creation of ticket notes for the following actions:
Integration Framework | SC-1825 | |
New OData Service for Project and Destination Filtering |
A new OData service has been introduced to retrieve project and destination information based on various filter criteria, such as transport request (Trkorr), transport function (Trfunction), system ID (R3Sid), and client (R3Client).Example usage: The following query demonstrates all available filters but should be customized to include only the required parameters:/sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/Proj_DestiSet?$filter=Trkorr eq '' and Trfunction eq 'W' and R3Sid eq 'MDD' and R3Client eq '100'This service provides flexibility for retrieving specific project and destination details in the transport management process. |
OData Services | SC-1776 | |
New OData Service for TM Release Assignment to Tickets and Transport Lists |
This version introduces a new OData Service for assigning a TM Release to either a ticket number or a transport request list.Request Examples: URI: /sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/TR_AssignReleaseSet(RelId='SP5') Body: { "TransportList":"MT1K904019,MT1K904020" }URI: /sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/TR_AssignReleaseSet(RelId='SP5') Body: { "TicketNumber":"MTX-118" } |
OData Services, Release Management | SC-1811 | |
New OData Service to Retrieve TM Releases |
A new OData service has been introduced to retrieve TM Releases, including an optional import parameter to filter by release status.Request URI Examples:
OData Services | SC-1812 | |
Enhance the sync report with ticket ID parameter | The /RTC/TM_SYNC_SAP_ITSM synchronization report now includes a new selection criterion for Ticket ID. This enhancement allows users to filter and synchronize specific tickets more efficiently, streamlining the process of managing Transport Requests between SAP and ITSM systems. | Tools | SC-1831 |
Product Transport Management
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Display Enhancement: Release ID and Release Name in TM Workflow History | The Transport Management (TM) Workflow History view has been enhanced to provide more detailed information. The display now includes both the Release ID and the corresponding Release Name, improving transparency and traceability in the workflow history overview. | Release Management, TM History, UI | SC-1682 | |
Release Feature: Validation Check for Open Releases Before Deactivation | Prior to this enhancement, the Release Feature could be deactivated without checking for open releases, potentially leading to data inconsistencies. The system now performs an automatic validation check for any open releases before allowing deactivation of the Release Feature. If open releases are found, users receive a notification message and must close all pending releases before proceeding with deactivation. This safeguard ensures process integrity and prevents unintended data disruptions in the release management workflow. | Release Management | SC-1740 | |
Release ID Field Expanded to Support 40 Characters | The Release ID field, previously limited to 10 characters, has been enhanced to support up to 40 characters. This update improves flexibility for managing longer release identifiers and ensures better compatibility with naming conventions. | Release Management | SC-1783 |
Fixed Bugs
Product Transport Management
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Released Transport Does Not Appear in TM Tool After Deletion | A bug was identified where a released transport did not reappear in the TM tool after being deleted. The issue occurred because the system locked the process while waiting for user action during the deletion of a transport request. |
A timer has been implemented to handle inactivity when the pop-up screen for providing the reason for deletion is displayed. If no action is taken, an additional pop-up appears with the message: "You have been inactive. Please confirm within XXX seconds to continue the process. Otherwise, the window will close automatically, and the process will be canceled."If the user remains inactive, the process will be automatically canceled and the screen will close.Two new fields have been added to the /RTC/TM_OPT table:
BAdI, Loaders/Switchers, Workflow Monitor | SC-1787 | |
Short Dump: Function Module /RTC/TM_OPT_GET Not Available in Legacy Systems | When executing RFC calls to the function module /RTC/TM_OPT_GET in older RealTech TM releases, the system triggered a short dump due to an uncaught exception. This occurred because the function module was not available in legacy versions of the software. | The program has been corrected. | Queues/Proposals | SC-1820 | |
Action Log Displays Incorrect Time Due to Time Zone Mismatch | A bug was identified where the action log date and time used the time zone of the TM server instead of the time zone of the logged-on user. This caused discrepancies in the displayed timestamps for user actions. | The program has been corrected to use the time zone of the logged-on user for the action log. | UI | SC-1793 | |
Locking Issue: Project and Destination Maintenance for Modifiable Transport Requests | During the maintenance of projects or destinations for Modifiable Transport Requests, the system incorrectly implemented a full table lock. This lock occasionally persisted even after maintenance activities were completed, preventing other users from accessing or modifying the affected tables. | The program has been corrected. | Workflow Monitor | SC-1821 |
Product SmartChange
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Incorrect Execution Timing of Integration Framework Steps for ACTION Import Leads to Data Inconsistency | A bug was identified where incorrect level data was determined during the ACTION import process, leading to data inconsistencies. This issue occurred due to improper execution timing of integration framework steps during the import. | To resolve this issue, level data is now stored in a completely new table, /RTC/TM_IF_TR. This table is populated during the import process, independently of the status switch, ensuring accurate and consistent data handling. | Integration Framework | SC-1815 | |
Short Dump: UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION in Report /RTC/TM_SYNC_SAP_ITSM | When executing the report /RTC/TM_SYNC_SAP_ITSM in development systems, the program terminated with an UNCAUGHT EXCEPTION short dump instead of displaying an appropriate error message. This affected users attempting to run the report in development environments and prevented proper error handling. | The program has been corrected. | Integration Framework, Synchronization | SC-1816 |
Product Synchronization Management
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Translation Objects Missing in Rollout Request When Imported in Different Language | When users imported translation objects (LANG) while logged in with a different language interface than the imported translations, the system failed to include these translations in the Rollout Requests. For example, if a user was logged in with English (EN) interface and imported German (DE) translations, the translations would not appear in the Rollout Request. This issue prevented proper localization management and resulted in incomplete Rollout Requests. | The program has been corrected. | Synchronization, UI, Workbench | SC-1743 |
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