REALTECH SmartChange SP4

REALTECH SmartChange SP4


Released on Oct 21, 2022

New Feature


Priority Title Release Note Components Reference


ITSM monitor: Update ITSM issue after the request was moved to history

Failed HTTP requests from the Integration Framework to an ITSM system are logged in transaction /RTC/TM_IF_MONITOR. These can be executed again from there. If the transport request was already moved to the history at the time of execution, the call failed with the error: "TM IF: Required attribute ZRTC_TM_TICKET_ID not found for TR &1 (ITSM &2, Action &3).".

The monitor has been enhanced to read the transport request information from the TM History and the failed HTTP request can be executed successfully.

Integration Framework



OData Service: Simulate Revokal with Quality Checks as result

The following Odata Service can now be used to return the results of the quality aspects check results (collisions and dependencies) at Revoke Approval for a specific transport request:
GET /sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/QA_TM_TRSet

The following URL parameters are supported:

  • filter | example: filter=Trkorr eq ‘MT1K900182' and Approve eq 'R’
  • expand | example: expand=NavToCollisions,NavToDependency

Example call:
/sap/opu/odata/RTC/TM_GW_SRV/QA_TM_TRSet?$filter=Trkorr eq 'MT1K900182' and Approve eq 'R'&$expand=NavToCollisions,NavToDependency

Integration Framework, OData Services



OData Service: Simulate Approve/Revoke with Quality Checks as result handling user groups

With this feature, when a user chooses to approve or revoke an SAP transport request for a specific user group and he does not belong to that user group, he will be warned before displaying the QA results (as in TM Monitor).

Integration Framework, OData Services


Transport Management

Priority Title Release Note Components Reference


Upload Transports from Gui via Updater

With this feature, the user has the possibility to upload the tm_upd and the transports files from the updater.

Tools, UI, Upgrade


Fixed Bugs

Transport Management

Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference


Checking Critical Objects at approval does not work if objects from the TR do not exist in the TM Server

Checking Critical Objects during Approval does not work for sub objects, when only the development class is defined as critical object, with the flag ‘Sub objects included’ set.
The reason was, that the hierarchy of the development class is read locally, if the objects from the transport do not exist in the TM Server, they are not found as critical objects.

The reason was, that the hierarchy of the development class is read locally, if the objects from the transport do not exist in the TM Server, they are not found as critical objects.
The program has been corrected. The objects are now read from the DEV System.

Approval, Quality Assurance



Short dump when release a request with activated Special Aspects in TM Badi

Short dump at release of transport request and Special Aspects are activated.

The program has been corrected.

BAdI, Quality Assurance



RFC check whitelist error when selecting multiple systems

In TM transactions in Systems and Groups menu option if multiple systems are selected for check the and one system has error the result of check is not right.

The program has been corrected.




Subject line incomplete in TM notification emails

When creating a note for a transport with a subject that contains the maximum number of characters, the email subject will be truncated.

The reason is that the subject is also concatenated with the transport number. That's why if it exceeds the 50-character limit, it will be truncated.
The 50-character limit for the subject field is a SAP standard. As a workaround, the subject will also be inserted into the body of the email.
The program has been corrected.




Prio 1 finding "NonLocal Nested Reading DB OP found" at ATC-Check for release

ATC checks at the release of a transport request containing a table maintenance dialog for a maintenance view of a customizing table returns Prio 1 finding 'NonLocal Nested Reading DB OP found" for RTC enhancement /RTC/EHI_COM_COL_CHECK.

The finding has been suppressed with pragma "#EC CI_SEL_NESTED.

Objects analysis



Role /RTC/TM_ALL has to be adjusted manually after import in NW > 7.31

After importing the Application Roles transport into a system with a higher version than NetWeaver 7.31, the authorization profile must be manually regenerated.

The cause of the error is the differences in the authorization concept between SAP releases.
The TM role /RTC/TM_ALL has been adjusted.




Callback rejected by whitelist at transport release

Callback rejected by whitelist at transport release

The reason was a missing function module /RTC/TM_READ_COFILE in the whitelist. Missing function module was added to the whitelist.




Cannot exit the popup for 'TM Attributes: Maintain values' without saving the changes

When editing the TM attributes assigned to a Transport Request in TM Monitor, if the TM Attribute value is changed by accident, the user cannot leave the popup without saving the changes.

The program has been corrected.

TM Attribute, UI



Error on the determination of the TM server when TM server is also dev system for another TM server

Error on the determination of the TM server when TM server is also dev system for another TM server.

First it will be checked if the current system is TM server. If it is not a TM server, it will be checked if it is a development system.
As solution an additional info is added to the check, TM server SID if known, flag if the current system is a dev system

TM Connectivity



When releasing a request in development system, wrongly a not needed RFC connection is requested

Error: 'RFC connection ZRTC_TM_<dev_sid> does not exist' when a transport request is released.

The reason was the error in the TM Server determination. The program has been corrected.

The check for the TM server is done in this order (the first match will be considered) :

  • is TM server SID known
  • is the current system a development system, if yes then the corresponding TM server is considered
  • is the current system a TM server

TM Connectivity



Wrong message when confirming the import of the update queue

In TM_UPDATE, when pressing the Import button (import error free), after checking the files, a pop-up message 'Update TransportManager Import update queue?' is displayed. This message is confusing.

The message was changed to 'Do you want to import the update queue?'.

TM Update Assistant


Synchronization Management

Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference


Missing initial values in filter popup when selecting "Existing SyncRequest" for customizing objects

On Customizing when choosing to add an Existing SyncRequest, the filtering popup has no initial values like in Workbench. It should have the same settings as in Workbench when displaying the popup initially.

The program has been corrected.




External TR Cust analysis not being triggered at import in Maint system

External TR imported into Maint System not triggering analysis comparison on customizing due to original client being different from the target client.

New validation has been added to prevent that use case.

Customizing, Objects analysis, Tasklist



In the task list the timestamp info is set to 00:00:00 instead of the released time of request

When the customizing transport is analyzed using Job the creation time is initial.

The program has been corrected.

Objects analysis



Message 'Include for function modules (UXX) not included in Sync Request' wrongly displayed (UXX belongs to Sync)

While trying to synchronize via SYNC transport the list of objects in RCP, scenario: new FMs on MAINT, it does not process correctly the object REPS/LIMU//RTC/LTM_UTILUXX.
The guided process keeps returning it as not existing on SYNC TR (even though it is there) and proposing you add it.
Confirming all popup-us to add the "missing" object, you are returned to the main screen, exiting the process without triggering the import.

The program has been corrected. Depending on the list of objects to be synchronized, sometimes the wrong include UXX was checked.

Synchronization, Workbench



Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference


User group passed from Jira is not considered during approval in the OData Service

In Jira App, the buttons for ‘Approve’ are displayed at the User Group level, but the OData call does not consider the user group for which the approval was requested.

The reason is, that the user groups are not taken into consideration. The OData approves all the groups where the user has authorization.

The code was changed, if the user group is passed to the OData, the approval is given only for that user group. If no user group is passed, all approvals for which the user has authorization are given (for Mobile App.)

Integration Framework, OData Services



OData Service: Approve TR - User group passed from Jira is not considered for Revoke Approval

‘Revoke Approval’ is displayed at the User Group level, but the OData call does not consider the user group for which the approval was requested.

Root cause: The user groups are not taken into consideration. The OData revoke approval for all the groups where the user has authorization.

The code was changed, if the user group is passed to the OData, the revoke approval is given only for that user group. If no user group is passed, all revoked approvals for which the user has authorization are given (for Mobile App.)

Integration Framework, OData Services



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