SmartChange 2019 SP2 HF03
Released on May 04, 2021
New Feature
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Enforce '4 eyes principle' for Approval Type (content or technical) per Transport Level |
With this new feature, the maintenance screen for Transport Levels, section "Second set of eyes" has been enhanced as follows:
With the new option, you can now configure TM to check the 4 eyes principle for the same signature type (content/ technical) when there are multiple signature levels (user groups) within the signature type. |
Approval, Configuration, UI |
SC-624 |
Usability: Configuration to activate new TM features in table /RTC/TM_OPT |
With this feature, the TM Admin can now easily activate and deactivate optional TM features corresponding to table /RTC/TM_OPT directly from TM>Global Settings, via the new tab 'Feature'. The following TM features are available:
Notify only TM users: No export without TM: Send all workflow emails: Enable email receiver option: Ignore locked systems: |
Configuration, UI |
SC-120 |
New TM Status Switcher |
With this new feature, a new TM status switcher is now available:
Since there are many switcher programs available, the new switcher is a first step in merging all functionalities into one central report, easy to configure and schedule. Currently, the new switcher encapsulates all functionalities of the current standard switcher (/RTC/TM_STATUS_SWITCHER) and, in addition, the following features:
Transaction /RTC/TM_SW represents the configuration cockpit for the new switcher. With it you can specify the settings for the new main switcher program '/RTC/TM_STATUS_SWITCHER_NEW', and it is also possible to schedule it. User Manual Features: In the tree on the right side of the configuration cockpit, containing all defined transport levels, all switcher variants are displayed. A variant must be set as 'Active' in order to be processed. With the green job button in the application toolbar, it is possible to schedule the program '/RTC/TM_STATUS_SWITCHER_NEW' as a job or change the settings of the job if it is already scheduled. Defining a switcher variant: Requests / Packages Import
Return code: Import date/time: Import into:
Also, you have the option to make a setting for Virtual/Locked systems: Project/Destination Observations: When switching into status 'Current', approvals are automatically granted by the System, ignoring transport-level settings (second set of eyes, different approver, etc) or user group settings. Also at this step, the transport files are copied into the target systems. |
Configuration, Loaders/Switchers |
SC-272 |
Collision Exception for Translations |
With this new feature, you can now exclude translations from collision checks. Also, the Collision results popup has been enhanced to display also the Program ID column. |
Configuration, Quality Assurance, UI |
SC-627 |
Send previous RC to Jira when updating the Jira issue |
This new feature in the TM Integration Framework is a prerequisite for the Jira App "SAP Transport Integration for Jira" feature: SmartChange History pannel. |
Integration Framework |
SC-705 |
Priority | Title | Release Note | Components | Reference |
Code Profiler detected security issue "Missing AUTHORITY-CHECK in Reports" [v2] |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Security |
SC-622 |
Code Profiler detected security issue "Missing AUTHORITY-CHECK in RFC-Enabled Functions" [v2] |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Security |
SC-623 |
Fixed Bugs
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
Transport Request has status 'Signature' when added to TM Workflow, even if in TM_BADI the status is set to 'Current' |
Issue: The issue can be reproduced when TM Server is not on the Development System. Root cause: Solution: As default, the feature is not active. The TM loader works as before (as described in the section "Issue"). |
Approval, BAdI, Loaders/Switchers |
SC-235 |
Dump CALL_FUNCTION_REMOTE_ERROR and CALL_FUNCTION_SEND_ERROR when TR containing critical objects is released |
Issue: The issue can be reproduced when TM Server is on the Development system, the /RTC/TM_BADI has the setting 'Check critical objects' active, and the transport request contains critical objects flagged as 'Error' in TM>Quality Assurance>Critical objects. Root cause: Solution: |
BAdI, Quality Assurance |
SC-702 |
Runtime Error when adding CPM request in SE09 |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
BAdI |
SC-713 |
TM Import Scanner hangs with no log information of which system needs troubleshooting |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Documentation, UI |
SC-675 |
Typing error in TM>Transport levels maintenance screen |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Documentation |
SC-708 |
Report /RTC/TM_LD_15: the selection parameter for TM server is not taken into consideration during distribution |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Loaders/Switchers, UI |
SC-714 |
Collision/Overtakers Pop-Up is not displayed during the first Technical Approval |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Quality Assurance |
SC-710 |
External TR is not added to SM>Task List when imported via TM - implementation in standard |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Queues/Proposals, TM/SM Integration, UI |
SC-660 |
Error message 'Ping failed: RFC-Destination ZRTC4_TM_XXX does not exist' when adding an external TR to TM |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
UI |
SC-697 |
Priority | Title | Release Note | Release Note Solution | Components | Reference |
CDS views (DDLS-Objects) are displayed as 'Not Modified on DEV' after being synchronized |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Objects analysis, Workbench |
SC-669 |
Requests tab in SM>Object Comparison detail section shows request tasks |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
Objects analysis, UI |
SC-694 |
SM>Customizing overview screen has to many scroll bars |
Issue: Root cause: Solution: |
UI |
SC-569 |