REALTECH SmartChange SP6 HF07

REALTECH SmartChange SP6 HF07


Released on Feb 27, 2025

New Feature

Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
High Display of Authorized Users for Approval in TM Monitor Approvals Tab The TM Monitor Approvals tab now displays authorized users for approval, including those assigned via roles, when an approval type is selected. This enhancement ensures that all users with the necessary roles are visible in the approvals tab, improving transparency and ease of use in the approval process. Approval, UI SC-1677
High New Functionality to Ignore Collisions Based on TM Release in Quality Assurance Checks A new functionality has been introduced that allows users to ignore collisions based on TM Release. An additional check has been added under Quality Assurance → Collisions → Check Mode, functioning similarly to existing checks for source system, client, destination, and project: Screenshot (699).png Quality Assurance, UI SC-1786
High Enhanced Import Job Log with Detailed Technical Insights for Improved Troubleshooting The import job log has been enhanced to include more specific technical details, such as connectivity checks. This new functionality provides greater transparency and aids in troubleshooting by offering detailed insights into the import process. Screenshot (704).png Scheduler, UI SC-1668
High Import History Log Displays User Who Started the Import In this new version, the import history log displays the username of the user who initiated the import via the system queue. If the system queue is running as a job, the user of the running job is displayed. Example:
Workflow Monitor > Request LifeCycle > Import History
Screenshot (689).png
TM Import, Workflow Monitor SC-1842
High Improved Multi-Client Support and Variant Management in /RTC/TM_TRACKING2FILE and /RTC/TM_ADD2PQUEUE The report /RTC/TM_ADD2PQUEUE has been optimized to properly support multiple clients during the transfer of import information to the TM personal queue. Key Enhancements
  • Source/Target Variant Management:
    Users can now create and save a Source/Target Variant, which is stored in a database table for future use.
  • Variant Assignments:
    Each variant defines the mapping of source systems/clients from which transport requests will be added to the target systems/clients' personal queue.
  • Listbox Selection:
    When executing the report, users can easily select a saved variant from a listbox, eliminating the need for manual entry.
  • Toolbar Menu Updates:
    The interface now includes three action buttons for efficient variant management:
    • Create a new Source/Target Variant.
    • Edit an existing Source/Target Variant selected from the listbox.
    • Delete a selected Source/Target Variant from the listbox.
User Instructions
  1. Open the Create a Source/Target Variant screen by clicking the corresponding toolbar button
  2. Enter a Variant Name in the designated input field and press Enter.
  3. Define the Source and Target (SID and Client) assignments for transport requests.
  1. To add additional Source/Target assignments, click the Add New Line button
  2. Use the toolbar buttons to delete a line or confirm the variant once all assignments are defined.
  3. When running the report, select a saved variant from the listbox to streamline transport request processing.
Tools SC-1841
Product SmartChange
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
High Extended ITSM Log Information with Additional Data Fields ITSM log information has been extended with the following data:
  • Item type
  • Item path
  • System ID
  • Transport level
  • Project
  • Destination
DOT4, Integration Framework SC-1908
High Manually Entered Tickets Bypass Automatic Filtering Rules in Freshservice Manually entered tickets in Freshservice will now bypass the filter set in the configuration. This new functionality ensures that tickets created by users are not subjected to the automatic filtering rules, allowing for greater flexibility and control in ticket management. Freshservice, Integration Framework SC-1900
High Dynamic Comment Placeholders for Jira Ticket Automation in Transport Requests New placeholders are available for generating a dynamic comment to send to the Jira ticket using an automation rule:
  • <TRKORR>: Transport request number
  • <LEVEL>: Transport request level name
  • <OBJ>: Objects included in the transport request (to be implemented for Track-It)
  • <CLIENT>: System ID
  • <APP_TYPE>: Client
  • <APP_TYPE>: Approval type
  • <USER>: User who granted the approval
  • <ACTION> - Action Name
  • <ACTION_DESC> - Action Description
Integration Framework SC-1869
High Enhanced ITSM Log Information with Additional Tracking Fields for Improved Analysis The ITSM log information has been extended to include additional data for improved tracking and analysis. The following fields have been added:
  • Item type
  • Item path
  • System ID
  • Transport level
  • Project
  • Destination
This enhancement allows users to have more detailed insights into the log entries, facilitating better troubleshooting and system management.
Integration Framework, ServiceNow SC-1870
High Enhanced ITSM Log with Additional Placeholders for Improved Tracking and Analysis The ITSM log has been extended to include additional information for better tracking and analysis. The new placeholders added are:
  • Item type
  • Item path
  • System ID
  • Transport level
  • Project
  • Destination
These enhancements will provide more detailed context and improve the ability to monitor and troubleshoot ITSM activities.
Integration Framework, Log, Track-IT SC-1871
High Centralized Placeholder Data Retrieval for ITSM API Calls A new class has been introduced to centralize the retrieval of placeholder data for ITSM-related API calls. This class ensures consistent and efficient handling of placeholders across various actions within the ITSM process.The following placeholders are now available:
  • <TRKORR>: Transport request number
  • <LEVEL>: Transport request level name
  • <OBJ>: Objects included in the transport request (to be implemented for Track-It)
  • <CLIENT>: System ID
  • <APP_TYPE>: Client
  • <APP_TYPE>: Approval type
  • <USER>: User who granted the approval
  • <ACTION>: Action Name
  • <ACTION_DESC>: Action Description
Integration Framework SC-1882
High New Custom F4 Search Help for POC Users Enhancing User Experience A new custom F4 search help has been created specifically for POC users. This functionality enhances the user experience by providing a tailored search help option, improving efficiency and ease of use for POC-related tasks. No additional configuration is required to enable this feature. Integration Framework SC-1889
High Jira Automation Rules Enhanced with Incoming Webhook Trigger A new feature has been introduced for Jira automation rules containing an incoming webhook trigger. These rules will now be routed through a different endpoint. Additionally, a new view has been created to maintain the HTTP header, and new placeholders are available for generating a dynamic comment to send to the Jira ticket. HTTP Header can be maintained in view /RTC/TM_IF_WHEAD image-20250228-002613.png Integration Framework SC-1891
High New Method for Selecting TM Attributes in Transport Requests via Sync Report A new method has been developed to select TM attributes for a list of Transport Requests. This method will be triggered by the Sync report, enhancing the TM Integration Framework by allowing users to efficiently retrieve and manage TM attribute values associated with their transport requests. This new functionality aims to streamline the process of synchronizing transport request data with TM attributes, ensuring better data consistency and management. Integration Framework SC-1910
Product Synchronization Management
Priority Title Release Note Components Reference
Medium New Filter by Object Functionality in Workbench View of Synchronization Management A new filter by Object has been introduced in the Workbench view of Synchronization Management, working the same way as the filter by Object in the Customizing view. This filter allows users to display only requests that include the selected objects in the request tree and can also be saved as a variant for future use. Synchronization, UI, Workflow Monitor SC-1357

Fixed Bugs

Product Synchronization Management
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
High Missing Japanese Translation for Tasklist Status Details in Task Management Module Users encountered issues with tasklist status details not being translated into Japanese. This problem occurred in the task management module, where status details were displayed in English instead of Japanese, causing confusion for Japanese-speaking users. The issue was due to missing translation entries in the language pack for Japanese. The program has been corrected. Missing translation entries in the language pack for Japanese have been addressed. Customizing, UI, Workbench SC-1810
High TM Workflow Synchronize Button Causes Short Dump Due to APCRFC_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR Pressing the 'Synchronize' button in the TM Workflow previously caused the TM to terminate with a short dump. This issue occurred due to incorrect handling of synchronization parameters, resulting in an ABAP programming error. The specific runtime error was APCRFC_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR, and the short dump was generated in the ABAP Program /RTC/SAPLSA. The program has been corrected. The handling of synchronization parameters has been fixed to prevent the APCRFC_TRANSFORMATION_ERROR short dump. Synchronization SC-1897
Product SmartChange
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
High Deletion of TM Release Does Not Update ITSM System Data An issue was identified where the IT Service Management (ITSM) system was not updated when a TM Release was deleted from a transport request. While the system correctly updated upon release assignment, it failed to reflect deletions. The program has been corrected. A trigger has been added to the deletion process to ensure the ITSM system receives the necessary updates when a release is deleted from a transport request. DOT4, Integration Framework, Jira_App, ServiceNow SC-1902
High Incorrect ITSM Names in Transport Requests Due to Unconfigured ITSM ID Attribute in TM Users were allowed to create transport requests from ITSM using an ITSM ID attribute that was not configured in TM. This resulted in transport requests being created with incorrect ITSM names. The program has been corrected. Transport requests will no longer be created using unconfigured ITSM ID attributes, preventing incorrect ITSM names. Integration Framework, OData Services SC-1315
High Incorrect Message Displayed During Ticket Assignment When RFC Destination is Missing When the RFC destination is not found, users encountered an incorrect message during ticket assignment. This issue occurred because the system failed to properly handle the missing destination scenario, leading to confusion among users. The error has now been corrected to display an appropriate explanatory message, ensuring clarity during the ticket assignment process. The program has been corrected. The system now properly handles missing RFC destination scenarios and displays an appropriate explanatory message during ticket assignment. Integration Framework SC-1785
High Modifiable transport requests is deleted without a Note in Track-It! When a TR is deleted from SE10, a new note is created in Track-It! The program has been corrected. Integration Framework, Track-IT SC-1801
High Missing Integration Framework Log Entry for Track-It! During Authentication Failure An Integration Framework log entry was not created for Track-It! during an authentication issue. This problem occurred when the system failed to authenticate user credentials, resulting in no log entry being recorded to indicate the authentication failure. This made it difficult to diagnose and troubleshoot authentication problems effectively. The program has been corrected. Integration Framework now logs authentication failures for Track-It! to facilitate troubleshooting. Integration Framework, Track-IT SC-1839
High Inconsistent Retrieval of Transport Requests by Ticket ID in ITSM Synchronization Report Users experienced inconsistencies when using the ITSM Synchronization report to retrieve Transport Requests. The report failed to display all associated Transport Requests when searching by Ticket ID, leading to incomplete data retrieval. This issue occurred due to an error in the search algorithm, which did not account for all possible Ticket ID formats. The program has been corrected. The search algorithm has been updated to accommodate all possible Ticket ID formats. Integration Framework, ServiceNow, Synchronization SC-1901
Product Transport Management
Priority Title Release Note Release Note Solution Components Reference
High Project and Destination Fields Missing in ITSM After Transport Request Release An issue was reported where the Project and Destination fields did not appear in the IT Service Management (ITSM) system after releasing the Transport Request. However, once the Transport was transferred in TM, the fields displayed correctly in the ITSM system. The program has been corrected. The Project and Destination fields now display correctly in the ITSM system after releasing the Transport Request. Jira_App SC-1877
High Status Switcher Handling with Wildcard Users encountered difficulties when configuring project destinations in the Status Switcher. The system required individual entry of all target paths in a project, which was time-consuming and prone to errors. In the new version, this limitation has been removed, users can now use '*' for the destination, ensuring all destinations are automatically considered. The program has been corrected Loaders/Switchers SC-1909
High Unable to Change Priority in Quality Assurance/Collisions Settings Users were unable to change the priority of the exceptions in the Quality Assurance/Collisions settings. Although the priority selection was displayed, it did not allow modifications. This issue occurred due to a missing update in the user interface logic that failed to register the changes made by users. The program has been corrected. The user interface logic has been updated to allow modifications to the priority of exceptions in the Quality Assurance/Collisions settings. Quality Assurance SC-1904
Medium Proposal Conflict Leading to Job Deletion When Scheduling Simultaneous Proposals Users experienced an issue when creating two proposals scheduled for the exact same time, which resulted in a single job being generated for both. If one of the proposals was deleted, the associated job was also removed, causing the remaining proposal to lose its scheduled job. The program has been corrected. The scheduling logic for proposals has been updated to ensure that multiple proposals can coexist without conflict. Queues/Proposals SC-1448
High Short Dumps When Calling Function Module /RTC/TM_CHANGE_LICENSE_KEY in SC2015 System Users experienced short dumps when calling the function module /RTC/TM_CHANGE_LICENSE_KEY in the SC2015 system. The issue occurred in a mixed landscape, where adding a 2015 system with System * Groups was impossible. The dump was caused by incorrect handling of system group parameters during the function module call. The program has been corrected. The handling of system group parameters during the function module call has been fixed to prevent short dumps. Security SC-1896
High Loss of Non-ITSM Attributes During Transport Request Reassignment in TM Previously, when a modifiable Transport Request (TR) had additional attributes besides ITSM attributes, these attributes were lost during the reassignment process in Transport Management (TM). This issue occurred because the reassignment function did not properly handle the preservation of non-ITSM attributes, leading to data loss. The program has been corrected. The reassignment function now properly preserves non-ITSM attributes during the Transport Request reassignment process. TM Attribute, Workflow Monitor SC-1905
High RFC Connection Errors Due to Missing Function Module /RTC/TM_IF_GET_RFC_DEST in Mixed Landscape Environment The function module /RTC/TM_IF_GET_RFC_DEST was called with RFC in a mixed landscape environment including both 2019 and 2015 systems. The function module does not exist in the 2015 system, causing the call to be ignored and resulting in connection errors. The program has been corrected. The function module call has been adjusted to handle mixed landscape environments more effectively, preventing connection errors. TM Connectivity SC-1913
High Incorrect Error Flagging in Transport Environment Check Due to Locked or Unavailable Systems Users have reported inaccuracies in the System and Groups check. During the transport environment check, if a system is locked or unavailable, all subsequent systems are incorrectly flagged as errors. This issue caused confusion as it did not accurately reflect the status of each system. The error occurred in the transport environment check process, leading to incorrect error messages and misidentification of system statuses. The program has been corrected. The transport environment check process has been updated to accurately reflect the status of each system, preventing incorrect error flagging for subsequent systems when one is locked or unavailable. UI SC-1887
High Error Saving Modified TM Attributes for Modifiable Transport Requests Due to Action Log Failure An error occurred when saving the modified TM attributes for modifiable Transport Requests (TRs). The action log was not saved, which prevented the changes from being recorded properly. This issue was identified during the modification process, causing inconsistencies in the attribute data. The program has been corrected. The action log saving mechanism for modified TM attributes in Transport Requests has been fixed to ensure proper recording of changes. SC-1899