FAQ "SAP-Jira-SAP Connection"

FAQ "SAP-Jira-SAP Connection"

Answers to SAP and Jira bidirectional connection issues

 Jira to SAP connection

TM Controller

  1. TM Controller has an “NOT AVAILABLE” status

    1. Go to Manage Apps → REALTECH Manage TM Controller -> Edit the server details to be the right ones, plus make sure that the SAP server is reachable (Jira App | Manage TM Controller).

Smart Change panel

  1. The login to SAP server fails

    1. Make sure you have all the steps from the bidirectional connectivity checked How do I connect Jira with SmartChange

    2. Error: “This application cannot run in that Frame. Parent: …”

      1. In SAP system, tcode “UCONCOCKPIT”, add the app (https://sap-transport-integration-for-jira1.azurewebsites.net) to the framing protection settings.

    3. Error “SAP whitelist service is not reached”

      1. This problem mig