FAQ "SAP-Jira-SAP Connection"

FAQ "SAP-Jira-SAP Connection"

Answers to SAP and Jira bidirectional connection issues

 Jira to SAP connection

TM Controller

  1. TM Controller has an “NOT AVAILABLE” status

    1. Go to Manage Apps → REALTECH Manage TM Controller -> Edit the server details to be the right ones, plus make sure that the SAP server is reachable (Jira App | Manage TM Controller).

Smart Change panel

  1. The login to SAP server fails

    1. Make sure you have all the steps from the bidirectional connectivity checked How do I connect Jira with SmartChange

    2. Error: “This application cannot run in that Frame. Parent: …”

      1. In SAP system, tcode “UCONCOCKPIT”, add the app (https://sap-transport-integration-for-jira1.azurewebsites.net) to the framing protection settings.

    3. Error “SAP whitelist service is not reached”

      1. This problem might be due to the firewall

    4. Error “Your application is not in the SAP HTTP positive list”:

      1. If Jira is a Server/ DC system: add the Jira system to the SAP whitelist SAP System Prerequisites | Maintenance of the HTTP Whitelist

      2. If Jira is a Cloud system, then add the cloud app to the white list https://sap-transport-integration-for-jira1.azurewebsites.net

  2. Create/approve/revoke of an SAP transport request fails

    1. Error “Internal error”:

      1. Check if ODATA service is active How to activate the SmartChange OData services

      2. If Jira is a Cloud system, check if the SAP system is accessible outside VPN because it needs to be accessible from Azure cloud (the cloud SmartChange plugin)

      3. Make sure the HTTP session cookie is not flagged as “HTTP only” for the login service SAP System Prerequisites | SMICM – Activate the HTTPS service

      4. In order to use the HTTPS protocol for the Web Service calls, install the security certificate from Jira Software into the SAP system SAP System Prerequisites | STRUST – Install Jira SSL Certificate. This issue can also be checked from the SAP system, tcode SMICM and logs.


SAP to Jira connection

Popup to assign Jira Issue

  1. Popup to assign Jira issue does not appear

    1. Check TM Integration Framework configuration SAP TM Integration Framework

    2. Check transaction /RTC/TM_BADI on the development system (BADI implementations /RTC/TM_BEFORE_EXP_1 and /RTC/TM_AFTER_EXP_01 must be active)

  2. Message “Selection returned no results” in popup to assign Jira issue

    1. Check the RFC destination to the Jira instance. Make sure correct Jira logon credentials are supplied and the connection Jira user has authorization for the Jira project

    2. If you are using the filter to retrieve only the Jira issues assigned to the current SAP user, make sure the SAP user has the email address maintained in SU01 (same email as the corresponding Jira user)

    3. Checks that can be done from the Jira system:

      1. The issue is part of the main filter from the Project Seetings (STEP 1; this can be checked in browser: <jira_server>/rest/api/2/issue/<issue_key>/properties/tmEnabled has value set to true)

  3. The issue is part of the CREATE action filter from the Project Settings (STEP2; this can also be checked if issue is enabled for creation of SAP transports in the browser <jira_server>/rest/api/2/issue/<issue_key>/properties/tmEnabled has value set to true)

e.g.: The issue is in status “Open”


  1. Jira issue is not updated

    1. Check transaction /RTC/TM_IF_MONITOR or /RTC/TM_IF_LOG on the TM server for error messages
      From IF Monitor, the call can be re-executed after fixing the error


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