SmartChange JQL search functionalities for Cloud

JQL functions

requestsImportedToLevel (levelName, filter, isImported)


Searches for imported requests at a specific TM level.


  • levelName (mandatory): The name of TM level

  • filter (optional): jql function to filter the results

  • isImported (optional): flag if search is for imported requests

Example of JQL

issue in requestsImportedToLevel("Quality", "project = TIF", "true")


requestsImportedToSystem(system, filter, isImported)


Filters imported requests to a specific SAP system.


  • system (mandatory): The name of SAP system

  • filter (optional): jql function to filter the results

  • isImported (optional): flag if search is for imported requests into the system

Example of JQL

issue in requestsImportedToSystem("MT3", "project = TIF", "true")

requestsOutsideOfDEVSystems(systems, filter, startAt, maxResults)


Searches for requests outside specified development systems


  • systems (mandatory): The name of SAP development systems

  • filter (optional, recommended by Jira): jql function to filter the results

  • startAt and maxResults: For the jql to not run into timeout, these parameters will be used to loop through the list of issues

    • startAt: default start index is 0

  • maxResults: number of issues to fetch and query, default is 50.


  • Development Systems are MT1, MT4 and NT1.

  • For a filter (“project = PJ1“) all issues are in total of 241, then loop through the the list

issue in requestsOutsideOfDEVSystems("MT1, MT4, NT1", "project = PJ1", 0) issue in requestsOutsideOfDEVSystems("MT1, MT4, NT1", "project = PJ1", 50) issue in requestsOutsideOfDEVSystems("MT1, MT4, NT1", "project = PJ1", 100) issue in requestsOutsideOfDEVSystems("MT1, MT4, NT1", "project = PJ1", 150) issue in requestsOutsideOfDEVSystems("MT1, MT4, NT1", "project = PJ1", 200)

Alternative run a single query

  Searchable issue properties


  • value example: {content: ‘true’}


  • value example: {content: ‘Destination1,Destination2,Destination3’}


  • value example: {content: ‘Project1,Project2,Project3’}


  • value example: {content: ‘Quality0,Quality1,Production0’}


  • value example: {content: ‘SYD1, SYQ0, SYP0’}


  • value example: {content: ‘0,8,13’}


  • value example: {content: ‘SYD0009001,SYD0009002,SYD0009003’}


  • value example: {content: ‘true’}

transportUpdated (UTC time zone)

  • value example: {updated: ‘Fri, 27 Jan 2023 08:33:33 GMT’}


  Useful examples of JQLs

  • Get list of issues with the SmartChange panel active:

  • Get list of issues with SAP transport requests:

  • Get list of issues without SAP transport requests:

  • Get list of issues with SAP transport requests imported into a TM level from project TIF:

  • Get list of issues with SAP transport requests not imported into an SAP system: