SmartChange workflow validators and post functions

SmartChange workflow validators and post functions




  • SmartChange - SAP transports imported: Validates imports on the configured SAP TM levels and its return code.

    1. Parameters:

      1. SAP TM level name (optional)

      2. Check last import for error (RC >= 8) (optional)

In case of a modifiable transport request, the validator will fail.

In case of a transport request imported into the level and with RC >=8, the validator will check id there is another transport imported after current one that has RC < 8, else will fail.

  • SmartChange - TM transport level and status: Validates if TM transport is on a level or status.

    1. Parameters:

      1. SAP TM level name (mandatory)

      2. Status:

        1. Queue

        2. Signature

        3. Current

  • SmartChange - User is logged into the SAP system: Validates if the user is logged into the SAP system.

    1. Parameters:

      1. Error message (optional, default one is:)


 Post functions


  1. SmartChange - SAP transport approval (beta): Approves or revokes an SAP transport request

    1. Parameters:

      1. Level name (mandatory)

      2. Function:

        1. Make approval

        2. Revoke approval

      3. Approval type

        1. Content

        2. Technical

      4. User group

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